Headshots: Setting Up for a Conference in Austin Tx

As a professional headshot photographer, we take great pride in delivering the best possible service to our clients. That's why we have a meticulous process in place to ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day of the event.

The Walk-Through: Setting the Stage for Success

It all starts with a walk-through of the event space the day before the event. This allows us to get a sense of the layout, lighting, and any other logistics that need to be addressed. We also discuss any concerns or requirements with our clients to ensure that the attendees have a good user experience.

Early Arrival: Allowing for Unloading and Set-Up

On the day of the event, we arrive a few hours early to allow for unloading and setting up our photography equipment. My philosophy is always to be early and ready to start working as soon as those doors open.

Setting Up the Studio: A Real Professional Photography Experience

We bring everything needed to set up a full professional photography studio, including your choice of backdrop that was previously selected. This is not a gimmick setup – we use top-quality equipment to ensure that each attendee gets a professional-looking headshot.

Testing the Lights: Achieving the Perfect Look

Once we have set everything up, we test the lights to make sure we are color balanced, and the proper amount of light is being used to provide a flattering headshot for all attendees. We know that lighting is key to achieving a great headshot, so we take the time to get it right.

Checking the Online Gallery: Ensuring Flawless Delivery

After we have tested the lights, we check the online gallery and all of the systems we have in place to deliver the headshots flawlessly. We want to ensure that everything is working smoothly and that our clients can expect the best possible service from us.

Headshot gallery of 21 headshots from an event

There really is a lot that goes into prepping for an event to ensure that our clients look good for hiring a real professional photographer, so that their audience has an amazing experience. We take our job very seriously and always aim to exceed our clients' expectations.

Making a Lasting Impression: Our Personal Touch

Once we have everything tested, we sit back and wait for the event to start. From here, it's all about our personality and how well we interact with each attendee. We are very personable and are masters of our craft. We can make people laugh and enjoy themselves all while updating their professional appearance.

In summary, we go above and beyond to ensure that everything is perfect on the day of the event. We take great pride in delivering the best possible service to our clients, and we are committed to making sure that everyone leaves with a professional-looking headshot that they can be proud of.

If you found this blog insightful and are considering hiring a professional headshot photographer for your upcoming conference, trade show, or event in Austin, TX, we would be honored to be considered for the job. Our team has the experience, expertise, and professionalism necessary to capture stunning headshots that will elevate your brand and your attendees. Please feel free to contact us for more information about our services and to discuss your photography needs.

Anthony Johnson

I am a full time photographer & digital artist located in Austin Texas creating amazing images to help businesses stand out! Easy process, quick turn around and 100% reliable.


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